
Showing posts from January, 2024

Internet connection downtime the perfect recipe for lost profits

If your business relies heavily on the Internet, then you know only too well how downtime can impact your bottom line. You’re handcuffed – everything that drives your business is frozen, including POS terminals that depend exclusively on the Internet. In short, it all has a direct impact on your revenue and your profits. The truth is, you’re not alone. The cost of  Internet downtime  affects every business and the pain in dollars and cents is dramatic. Not surprisingly, industry statistics are staggering, with the cost of “single hour” downtime rising year after year. Industry associations report that “single hour” downtime rose by a third in the last decade. Today, it’s important to have a business continuity plan Needless to say, broadband connectivity is a lifeline for practically every business around the world. That’s why  Internet uptime  is so indispensable. Every business owner needs to generate revenue, create profit, reach customers, and access data – it all requi

The big switch from a landline system to VoIP. Its a technology switch and a mindset switch.

Many people have already abandoned their telephone landlines in favor of cloud-based VoIP technology. Now, more and more businesses are making the switch. Out-of-date phone systems and aging technologies are making way for robust  VoIP systems  replete with custom features. As it is, business VoIP users are growing exponentially year after year. While there are several drivers behind this boom, business owners need to understand the differences between traditional landline systems and VoIP technologies – the big switch is multi-layered. Understanding the differences For many of us, a landline phone was the standard “wired” phone that connected us to the world. We were part of a physical network of phone lines that connected us, phone by phone, to each other. VoIP is a new frontier – Voice Over Internet Protocol – it’s a cloud-based technology that allows us to make phone calls from any data-driven device, at any time, and from anywhere. The big deal, particularly for business o

The benefits of a cloud phone system will amaze and impress you

Chances are that cloud technologies are already part of day-to-day activities, like Google Drive®, Dropbox®, and Microsoft Office®.  Cloud phone systems  simply ad added technology – hosted in the cloud with data stored digitally. That means no hard wiring, no central server, and no technical management. Cloud phones are less expensive, more advanced, and more secure than any of today’s conventional phone systems.   Cloud-based phone systems provide many more features and benefits than traditional built-in systems. The big advantage is that all services are managed by a cloud provider, without any of the annoyances and troubleshooting of in-house equipment. You will be amazed and impressed.   Big surprise –  office phone systems for small  business  have been profoundly transformed For small and medium-sized businesses, cloud phone systems dramatically expand IT resources simply because everything is managed by a third-party. With or without internal IT resources, your company

Changing your Internet provider? It doesnt have to be a nightmare!

If you’re fed up, and you’ve reached a breaking point, it may be time for a new approach. But you need to be sure about your reasons for switching providers, and it shouldn’t just be a reaction to “dissatisfaction” – there are a host of good reasons.   Switching from one provider to another A prime consideration for switching from one ISP to another is COST. Understandably, the majority of customers are motivated to switch for budget considerations. At the same time, it’s not just a matter of dollars and cents – it’s a matter of VALUE. A good proportion of business customers want to switch providers to improve their Internet connection measurably. This would be relevant for businesses that want to enhance their small  business phone system  with better connectivity. For some business owners, lousy customer service is reason enough to switch. Small businesses that rely on their business phone systems from day to day simply need helpful and responsive service at times when proble

What pushed Jimmy Johns franchisees to go with fully guaranteed Internet connectivity?

In fact, in this brisk business environment, some 50% of all orders are either by phone or online. Before upgrading the company’s technology platform, Jimmy John had regular and ongoing issues with both his Internet service provider and his phone service provider.  According to Jimmy John Franchisee , “there were all kinds of problems with hardware and connection”. Worse still, in a business that depends so much on customer relationships, franchisees were dealing with poor connection quality and unreliable connectivity. From a bottom-line point of view, there were concerns about our “ price-to-value”  proposition. Lost connectivity means serious business losses For Jimmy John franchisees, Internet connectivity is a lifeline – even a few hours of  downtime  is an unrecoverable business loss. “We were experiencing downtime almost every six weeks”, explains John. “When our ordering system goes down, we lose business, upwards of 50%”. Today, particularly for businesses that operate

How to Improve Remote Work Virtual Collaboration

Vivant’s business virtual collaboration tools will allow your teams to collaborate from different locations. Most importantly, they will be able to incorporate the same technologies into their work processes that they would if they were in their office. According to a recent report , over 40 million workers in the United States alone will be fully remote by 2025. That represents a 5% increase in remote work from just two years ago. As remote work becomes more common, the need for a solid framework for virtual collaboration has become an urgent business requirement. Still, too many employers fail to provide reliable tools to help employees collaborate virtually. As a result, they frequently experience issues such as delays, decreased productivity, and a reduced revenue stream. Vivant VoIP can facilitate virtual collaboration Choosing a virtual collaboration platform for your company can be a lot trickier than it seems. There are many suppliers on the market, but choosin